Register for the 2023 STAY Summer Institute!
STAY Summer Institute 2023
We’re so excited to announce that the 2023 STAY Project Summer Institute will be held July 20th-23rd, Thursday through Sunday, in Breaks, Virginia, and registration is now OPEN! We can’t wait to see and be with y’all, to share space and time and food together, and to dream, laugh, dance, heal, learn, practice, and build with each and every one of you ! <3 Registration will close SUNDAY, JUNE 25th @ MIDNIGHT in your timezone! REGISTER at: bit.ly/STAY2023
The Summer Institute is our annual gathering for and by youth ages 14-30 living across central and southern Appalachia. We focus our time together on building and nurturing our relationships across our many places, learning from and about each other and our homes across the region, celebrating our youth, our joy, and the fullness of our dignity, and building our political and cultural analysis and strategy together.
The STAY Summer Institute is a place to learn from each other, which is why we encourage attendees who have something to teach or want to share a skill to submit a workshop! You don't have to be a "professional" to submit, you just need to want to teach something! Please submit your workshop by SUNDAY, JUNE 25th at MIDNIGHT in your timezone! REGISTER at: bit.ly/STAYWorkshopping
Estamos tan entusiasmadxs de anunciar que el Instituto de Verano del Proyecto STAY 2023 tendrá lugar del jueves 20 al domingo 23 de julio en Breaks, Virginia y ¡el registro ya está ABIERTO! ¡Esperamos con ansias verlos y estar con ustedes, compartir espacio y tiempo y comida juntxs y soñar, reírnos, bailar, sanar, aprender, practicar y construir con todxs y cada unx de ustedes! <3 ¡El registro se cerrará EL DOMINGO 25 DE JUNIO A MEDIANOCHE en tu zona horaria! INSCRÍBETE aquí: bit.ly/STAYRegistro
El Instituto de Verano es nuestra reunión anual por lxs jóvenes y para lxs jóvenes de 14 a 30 años viviendo en los Apalaches centrales y los Apalaches del sur. En el tiempo que pasamos juntxs, nos enfocamos en construir y alimentar nuestras relaciones a lo largo de varios lugares, aprender el unx del otrx, el unx acerca del otrx y acerca de nuestros hogares en la región, celebrar nuestra juventud, nuestra alegría y la plenitud de nuestra dignidad y construir nuestro análisis político y cultural y nuestro plan de acción juntxs.
El Instituto de Verano STAY es un lugar donde aprendemos el unx del otrx, ¡por eso animamos a lxs asistentes que tienen algo que enseñar o quieren compartir sus habilidades a que entreguen una propuesta de taller! ¡No tienes que ser ningún “profesional” para entregar una, ¡sólo necesitas querer enseñar algo! ¡Por favor, entrega tu propuesta antes del DOMINGO 25 DE JUNIO A MEDIANOCHE en tu zona horaria! INSCRÍBETE aquí: bit.ly/STAYTaller
What is SSI?
The STAY Summer Institute (SSI) is a regional gathering hosted by The STAY Project providing creative gathering space for youth with leadership development, cultural sharing, political analysis , and kinship with youth from across the region at the forefront.
What is the STAY Summer Institute?
Regional gathering hosted by The STAY Project providing creative gathering space for youth with leadership development, cultural sharing, political analysis , and kinship with youth from across the region at the forefront
Youth designed & facilitated workshops across many topics
Full group activities around art, music, storytelling, and political discussion led and facilitated by youth
Youth of Color caucus and LGBTQIA caucus
Previous STAY Summer Institute's around Central Appalachia
2022: 12th STAY Summer Institute held in Spencer, West Virginia.
2021: 11th STAY Summer Institute held in one day state-based gatherings in five locations across Appalachia.
2020: 10th STAY Summer Institute held virtually.
2019: 9th STAY Summer Institute at Hungry Mother Lutheran Retreat in Marion, VA.
2018: 8th STAY Summer Institute and 10th Anniversary Celebration at the Highlander Research and Education Center in New Market, TN
2017: 7th STAY Summer Institute at the Appalachian South Folklife Center in Pipestem, WV
2016: 6th Stay Summer Institute at the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC.
2015: Partnered with Appalshop, Appalachian Media Institute, Higher Ground, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth & Southeast Community & Technical College to collaboratively host It’s Good 2 Be Young in the Mountains in Harlan, KY
2014: 4th STAY Summer Institute at Camp Bethel in Wise County, Virginia
2013: 3rd STAY Summer Institute at the Highlander Center in New Market, Tennessee
2012: 2nd STAY Summer Institute at High Rocks in Pocahontas County, West Virginia
2011: 1st STAY Summer Institute at Pine Mountain Settlement School in Harlan County, KY